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This Web Site is powered by Wind Turbines
located in Texas. This is a green site
Join us and host your site at:


Just how big a dent in climate change does that make? It's the equivalent of:
1. Removing 444 cars from the road for a year, or
2. Powering 321 homes with clean energy for a year, or
3. Saving 5,654 barrels of oil, or
4. Protecting 551 acres of forest for a year



We have been providing web hosting & design solutions since 1999. At that time our company did not provide "hosting services" so we were forced to refer our clients to non affiliated companies. We now offer a superior hosting service to our clients. The support and reliability we offer has proven to be the key factor in our ability to be a competitive force in the ever growing hosting market.

Our Network:
Our datacenter is located in Houston, Texas and is staffed 24/7/365. There are multiple OC48 SONET fiber rings that provide basic connectivity to eight access carriers. The datacenter is completely redundant, including a 2200 gallon backup diesel generator. There are over 580 smoke detectors throughout the 35,000 square foot facility, with a VESDA contaminate system.

Your site will have a 99.9% uptime. If we fail to deliver we will refund you!

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